the real secrets to selling online or offline
Posted on September 10, 2012 by wolfspirtI regularly get asked to write killer sales letters for people.
Killer copy that will knock the audience dead and have them reaching for credit cards but the truth is –there are more important things to get right than sales copy.
I recently did a letter for some one that did very well and I have to say that I loved the copy but here’s the rub…
He had a massive list and had built up a position of authority and trust online.
My sales copy became like the window that people could look though to see more clearly what he had to sell.
I believe I did a good job is providing a nice clear window for people to peer through but he had the goods on the other side that people trusted were right for them.
When you have trust in the market and you are well position you are more than half way to success.
The sales copy can then make a massive difference to your sales figures.
It is not however the most important thing.