
Quick tips on using testimonials to sell in your copy

Posted on October 31, 2013 by wolfspirt

Using testimonials to promote your product and service can be tricky.

Do it wrong and it can actually decrease your sales.

Here’s some tips on how to get it done right…


1) Turn the testimonial into a story

Example: Let me tell you about Mr. X.

He came to me with such and such a problem and then….

See how this makes it conversational?

How it doesn’t break the flow?


2) Push em to the side or to the bottom of the copy

When someone is reading our copy we want them to be in a hypnotic state.

We want them focussed on us. We want their eyes clued to the page.

So if slap a big testimonial half way through, we can ruin things.

Don’t be that guy who does that.

Putting them at the very end of the letter or off to the side will help more.


3) Make em short and punchy

Another trick you can try to get your testimonial selling for you is to use one or 2 lines from the testimonial to sell a benefit of your product.

This will not break the reader’s attention and will hammer home your point.



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