Why your sales letter may suck…
Posted on October 12, 2013 by wolfspirtI’ve looked at thousands of sales letters over the years.
Most of them contain fatal errors that diminish or destroy your response rate.
Here are just some them that you might be using in your sales letters today…
1) Making the focus of the sales letter about you or your product. This is easy to do and is why many pitches are so weak. People want you to focus on them.
2) Poor headlines. Most people do not realise that the success of the ad depends mostly on the headline. So most people spend most of their time on the body of the ad, which is important but not as important as the headline. Some key things to have in a headline that can make it sell…big benefit, easy and fast solution, and explains your usp.
3) Weak offer
Most offers are simply not very compelling. They are wishy washy at best. So what makes an offer attractive? Here are some ideas…
a) Having some great and relevant bonuses
b) Massive risk reversal…for instance, double your money back
4) Not hitting the emotional hot buttons. When a sales letter sounds bland and “matter of fact” it’s not hitting the right emotional hot buttons of your market. People are buying your product or service to get an emotional experience and you have to ask yourself what that experience is. Then you have to play on it throughout your pitch.
5) Confusion. When you have a pitch that is confusing to people you will lose them. Your pitch may make perfect sense to you but you have to make “stupid simple” to understand.
6) Making it hard to read. People want an easy life and if you don’t give it to them in advertising they will punish you for it by not buying. Many sales letters have long paragraphs and lengthy sentences. One rule of thumb to follow is that if your sentence takes longer than a breath to say, you have gone over your time.
I help people maximise their sales all the time by dealing with the all of the above and adding a lot more to the mix.
Feel free to shoot me a mail to talk more to [email protected]